Bibliography for
Nuclear Disarmament for Sustainable and Dynamic Economic Development in the Korean Peninsula: Prospects for a Peaceful Settlement
(co-edited with Chan Y. Bang), Lang: Frankfurt 2017. Link
Tax Policy and Public
Debt in a Democracy: On the Dynamics of Budgetary Policies
(in German: Besteuerung und Staatsverschuldung in der Demokratie: Zur
dynamischen Analyse staatlicher Budgetpolitiken), Lang: Frankfurt 1996.
Articles in refereed international journals
Cycles and Optimistic Stability in Graphs: The Role of Competition, Veto Players and Moderators, Studies in Microeconomics 5, 2017: 1–13. Link
Sequencing in Customs Union Formation: Theory and Application to the Eurasian Economic Union (with Aidos Alimbekov and Eldar Madumarov), Journal of Economic Integration 32, 2017: 65-89. Link
Prices and Deadweight Loss in Multi-Product Monopoly (with Rabah Amir, Jim Jin and Michael Troege), Journal of Public Economic Theory 18, 2016: 346-362. Link
Intra-Party Decision Making, Party Formation and Moderation in Multiparty Systems, Mathematical Social Sciences 63, 2012: 14-22. Link
Penalties in the Theory of Equilibrium Tax Evasion (with Bernhard Neumaerker), Public Finance Review 39, 2011: 5-25. Link
Secession and Value, Economics Letters 92, 2006: 306-310.
Coalition Governments versus Minority Goverments: Bargaining Power, Cohesion and Budgeting Outcomes, Public Choice 121, 2004: 1-24. Link
Public Debt and Classical Rules in Public Finance: Lessons from the Equilibrium Budget Cycle Approach, Finanzarchiv (N.F.) 54, 1997: 537-562. Link
Articles in refereed national journals
Level of Education in Assessing the Tendency and Propensity to Migrate among the Population of Kazakhstan (with Dastan Akebayev and Alma Kudebayeva), Economic Series of the Bulletin of the L.N. Gumiyov ENU, No. 4, 2021: 11-23. Link
Regional Integration with Imperfect Commitment: The Case of the Eurasian Economic Union (with Eldar Madumarov), Central Asia Business Journal 11 (1), Spring 2020: 6-16. Link
Articles in edited volumes
Stable Constitutions in Political Transition (with Katja Michalak), in: Advances in Political Economy: Institutions, Modeling and Empirical Analysis, ed. by Caballero, G., Kselman, D. and Schofield, N., Springer Press 2013: 67-89. Link
The Status Quo
Preference in Conflict Resolution (in German: Der Status quo als Massstab der
Konfliktloesung), in: Konflikt,
Macht und Gewalt in polit-ökonomischer Perspektive, ed. by B. Neumaerker, Metropolis 2011.
Rationality and the Legal Order, in: Economics, Rational Choice and Normative Philosophy, ed. by Tom Boylan and Ruvin Gekker, Routledge 2009. Link
Parties and Party Policies (in German: Parteien und Parteipolitik: Fakten und Erklaerungsansaetze),
in: Ordnungspolitik fuer den oeffentlichen Sektor. Festschrift fuer Cay Folkers, ed. by B. Neumaerker and Claus Schnabel, Metropolis 2007.
Other articles
Introduction to the Symposium on Property Rights in Emerging Economies, with Emiliya Lazarova, Central Asia Business Journal 9, 2018. Link
Governance and Comparative Institutional Development in Transition Countries, Central Asia Business Journal 9, 2018. Link
Tenge Devaluation: The Role of Risk and Uncertainty and Economic Consequences. A Comment, Central Asia Business Journal 6, 2014: 21-28. Link
The Impact of
Taxation on Investment in the Basic Model of Public Finance (in German: Der
Einfluss der Besteuerung auf die Investitionsentscheidungen im finanzwissenschaftlichen
Standardmodell), WISU-Das
Wirtschaftsstudium 4/5, 1999: 600-610; 740-746 (with Cay Folkers).
Book review (in German)
A. Scheuerle, Politisch
erzeugte Konjunkturzyklen (Political Business Cycles), Finanzarchiv, N.F., Bd. 56, 2000, pp. 273-276.